Published Writing

Portobello Book Festival Night for YouPoem Published at festival.

Anti-Zine New Writers Anthology – Short Story ‘Camera’ Published.

A Thousand Cranes – Scottish Writers for Japan – Poetry Anthology, Cargo Publishing – Poem ‘The Positives’ Published.

Future Quake Magazine issue 18. Future Quake Press.
Comic book story – ‘S.E.X.’. Published in June 2011 issue.

Wasted Magazine issue 7. Bad Press ltd.
Comic book story – ‘Animal Magic Tricks’. Published March 2011.

Webcomic – ‘Animal Magic Tricks’ on

Paleo-Future Exhibition, Helsinki, Finland – ‘4 Poems’ published as part of exhibition at Ptarmigan gallery in Finland.

Dare To Be Digital 2009 – Student Videogames design competition.
Story writer for  independent videogame ‘Hoedown Showdown’.

Channel 4 Talent Arcade
Story writer and director for video game Inmates.

Channel 4 Mobile Pitch
Story writer and director for video game Street Art.

Pocket Shorts Scotland –TxtGrrrl: Mobile Machinima.  2008.
Scriptwriter and Director for short animated series.


Some new postcards. These may be part of a bigger project which I might develop if I have time.
Write a poem on several postcards. Have the poem with a structure that is not linear. Give the postcards out to different Papergirl events. Have the recipients post the poem postcards back. The order in which the postcards arrive dictate the structure of the poem. Then exhibit the postcards in a gallery. A new mail art project? Maybe if I get the time, but something for the future.


For some new work and a break from computer illustrations, I have decided to do some drawing on some old photographs. The illustrations are very basic but showcase a new style I am going for. The Photographs are old Lomography photos that I printed off.
Some of these postcards incorporate short stories, flash fiction and poetry. I will post some examples of these illustrated postcards soon.

Email Story

Thought I’d post this up. It’s a short story I wrote during an ‘Illustrate and Write’ class a few weeks back. During this class I also came up with the first Polaroid Picture (a series of images I am creating and posting on this blog).
Never the less the story involves 3 emails. One from a guy emailing his girlfriend. The girlfriend then emailing a doctor for advice and the doctor replying to the girlfriend. It is an experiment in graphical storytelling and how to establish character through text. I think the emails give a different perspective as opposed to straight up prose. The graphical element does not add to the story, but I do believe that they make the story more visually appealing.
The 3 emails are below. The story is imaginatively entitled – Emails.

Polaroid Picture Illustrations

I’ve been messing around with Adobe Illustrator again – creating more detailed illustrations of sketches. This image is based on a piece of Flash Fiction I recently wrote. I’ll post up the story later. I wrote the story at an ‘Illustrate and Write’ workshop at the Two Dolls art shop in Dundee.
This image is a Polaroid picture taken by the girl in the story. I plan to create some more Polaroid picture illustrations with hand written text at the bottom. These will compliment the stories. Depending on the time I have I’ll try to do one a month. I’m taking a break from the toy design and the 3D Graffiti and 3D poetry for a while. I need a break from these especially since the recent Streetlands and Without Boarders Exhibitions.
I’ve included a scan of the original sketch and the new improved final image.