New Comic – Conversations with LGBTQ+ Elders

Conversations with LGBTQ+ Elders is a comic about activism and protest as you get older. It tells the story of Will and Anthony, two older gay men as they get ready to attend a protest. The story features interviews with people who know the couple and we learn how they maintain their need to stand up and be recognised.

Conversations with LGBTQ+ Elders takes an experimental and non-linear look at comic book storytelling. The story is an intimate and personal one that shows the need for love and companionship. We see two people who have stuck together throughout their lives and overcome many problems. This inspires their activism and we see this passion within the pages of the comic.

Conversation with LGBTQ+ Elders isĀ 32 pages long and in full colour. You can buy the comic here.

Conversations With My Imaginary Friends – even more pages from my new comic

Conversations With My Imaginary Friends is a personal comic book that explores voice hearing and psychosis in an intimate and personal method. The story follows the comic book creator as they speak with the voices in their head and write down what they say. We see how important engaging with mental health is and how this can build strength and confidence. Each voice gives a letter to the protagonist and the reader gets to experience the voices in a unique and visual way.
Other than looking at the negative and cliched focus of voice hearing and schizophrenia ‘Conversations With My Imaginary Friends‘ shows how common, powerful and interesting this behaviour can be.

The comic comes with 4 extra letters that are inserted into the comic. These pages can be taken out and read. A mini-zine from one of the characters is also given. These extras give an intimate and personal connection to the reader and fully expresses the closeness and power of the words that people hear in their heads.

– 28 pages
– Comes with 4 extra letters and a mini-zine, plus some extra bonus stuff!
– Full colour
– Hand bound and stapled
– Made with love and honesty

The comic can be bought here –

Conversations With My Imaginary Friends – more pages from my new comic

Conversations With My Imaginary Friends is a personal comic book that explores voice hearing and psychosis in an intimate and personal method. Conversations With My Imaginary Friends can be bought here –

Some photographs and images of the comic are below

Other than looking at the negative and cliched focus of voice hearing and schizophrenia ‘Conversations With My Imaginary Friends‘ shows how common, powerful and interesting this behaviour can be.

The comic comes with 4 extra letters that are inserted into the comic. These pages can be taken out and read. A mini-zine from one of the characters is also given. These extras give an intimate and personal connection to the reader and fully expresses the closeness and power of the words that people hear in their heads.

– 28 pages
– Comes with 4 extra letters and a mini-zine, plus some extra bonus stuff!
– Full colour
– Hand bound and stapled
– Made with love and honesty

Awkward Silence – New Comic – Even more pages!

My new comic Awkward Silence looks at being mute and silent in a loud world. It is a 28 page personal story and some more pages are below. You can buy Awkward Silence at the following link (free UK postage) –

Conversations with my Imaginary Friends – Work in Progress

I have been working on a new comic that is almost complete. It’s more of a self published perzine though as it features lots of text along with comic book pages.

The title is Conversations with my Imaginary Friends and looks at voice hearing and learning to live with mental health behaviours that can impact your life.

Conversations with my Imaginary Friends is a detailed look at coping mechanisms when you live with voice hearing. Schizophrenia is a commonly misinterpreted behaviour and one that affects many people in different ways. In Conversations with my Imaginary Friends I explore my coping mechanism of writing down what the voices in my head say. The comic includes the letters and words and also shows how the intrusion of voice hearing can be mitigated in a personal and intimate way.