Mini Comics & Zines

JOMO – Joy of Missing Out

Jomo is a mini comic zine that features illustration and poetry.
It is 8 pages in length and tells a story about friendship and support networks.
The mini-zines takes a queer perspective and looks at mental health and the “fear of missing out” in a new and exciting way.

Jomo – Joy of Missing Out is a small and passionate story and can be bought here

Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder is a 8 page mini-zine that contains a performance that is designed for autistic adults, but can be enjoyed by anyone. The zine contains a theatre script, illustrations and a comic. You read the theatre script to yourself and the illustrations and the comic spark the imagination. The play unfolds in your mind and creates a new and interesting type of performance that removes some of the stimuli that someone who lives with autism may find uncomfortable.

The story of Borderline Personality Disorder looks at this mental health behaviour from a personal perspective. The performance presents a lived experience and the positives of negatives of living with Borderline Personality Disorder.

Borderline Personality Disorder can be bought here

Be My Friend, Please

Be My Friend, Please is a 8 page mini-zine that contains a performance that is designed for autistic adults , but can be enjoyed by anyone. The zine contains a theatre script, illustrations and a comic. You read the theatre script to yourself and the illustrations and comics spark the imagination.

The story of Be My Friend, Please looks at loneliness and friendship when you live with autism. The performance presents a personal story on friendship, silence and solitude.

Be My Friend, Please can be bought here


Victor/Victoria is a 8 page black and white mini-comic book zine.
Victor/Victoria tells an autobiographical comic book story of dealing with personal psychosis and receiving help in unlikely places.
The visuals are a comic book and the text is poetry. The two combine to make a comic book poem in a mini-zine.

Victor/Victoria can be bought here